BSc. Market & Management Anthropology

Business as unusual - Understanding markets and the world of business through anthropological methods. A mix made of theoretical knowledge about anthropology, economics and business practices and practical ethnographic projects.

All Courses at University of Southern Denmark

Exchange Semester at Prague University of Economics and Business

Bachelor Thesis - Current Fieldwork Project

Startups and Working Culture in Czech Republic

  • An anthropological study on startups in Czechia and how it affects the way the employees work and understand work

Former Fieldwork Projects

  • (Denmark, Odense) Fieldwork study on international students and how they experience their meeting with the Danish culture and people
  • (Israel) Smaller fieldwork study on the phenomenon of Mishloah Manot and gift giving exchanges during the Jewish holiday Purim
  • (Denmark, Odense) Study in collaboration with a local business and sustainable consumer habits during covid-19
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